(27) 1:46:47 - 1:47:18 - A small additional scene where Zaltar takes an unconscious Kara down some stone stairs to the cavern in the Phantom Zone. This scene is followed by Kara waking up in the theatrical film.




(28) 1:48:31 - 1:50:12 - Longer conversation between Zaltar and Kara. Text in ITALICS represents text also found in the theatrical cut.
Kara: Zaltar
Zaltar: Squart (offering her a drink)
Kara: Zaltar
Zaltar: Squart
Kara: Zaltar it's me. It's Kara.
Zaltar: No! Squart.
Kara: What is that? Where are we?

Zaltar: Where are we? Here!
Kara: But where?
Zaltar: Nowhere.

Kara: The Phantom Zone
Zaltar: It's lonely here my Kara. So sad. So long ago.

Kara: No Zaltar only days and we have only days left. Zaltar we have to get back to Earth. We have to get the Omegahedron and get it back to Argo city.

Zaltar: I've been here forever and I shall stay here forever. (Note: The scene at this point ends in the theatrical cut)

Kara: Zaltar the person that has the power source she tricked me. She sent me here and I have to…
Zaltar: Stay here forever too. She sounds formidable, someone to be reckoned with.
Kara: She's a sorceress, wicked and…
Zaltar: More powerful than the Guardians is she?
Kara: But the Guardians are good.
Zaltar: Zaltar is bad. Worse than this wicked sorceress.
Zaltar: Self pity! You always taught me to have pride Zaltar.
Zaltar: Pride. Should a man whose foolish ambitions has destroyed all he loved have pride? You think that then I am a fool that has taught you nothing.



(29) 1:50:12 - 1:50:23 - Some extra dialogue between Selena and Bianca. This dialogue would begin in the theatrical cut with Selena calling "Ethan!"

Bianca: A guess our next thing is to take over the world. I am ready when you are honey.
Selena: First things first.

(30) 1.51.01 - 1.51.06 - 1 extra line from Bianca, before says "What are they for?"

Bianca: I would have thought a ceiling fan myself, but it's your house (referring to Selena's method of imprisoning Nigel, Lucy and Jimmy).

(31) 1:54:38 - 1:54:48 - The sequence where Zaltar and Kara leave the hut in the Phantom Zone is longer

(32) 1:55:21 - 1:56:24 - Extra dialogue between Jimmy and Lucy.

Jimmy: Wish we kept our mouths shut.
Lucy: I am not afraid to die. I am proud of us.
Jimmy: Lucy, there is something I have always wanted to say to you. I guess I'll never say it now. I've been in love with you for many years.
Lucy: You have?
Jimmy: Ever remember when you use to visit your sister in the newsroom? You use to put your finger prints on my lens. Remember? I was trying desperately to get your attention.
Lucy: Really?
Jimmy: Ah ha. You mean we could have..we could have been…you know what? All this time?
Lucy: You bet ya.
Jimmy: Why didn't you tell me?
Lucy: Well you were suppose to guess (embrace each other with their hands)

(33) 1:56:24 - 1:57:12 - We see new shots of Zaltar and Kara trying to escape from the Phantom Zone. More dialogue is also accompanied. This scene would have been found immediately before the box warns Selena of their attempt to escape.

Zaltar: Careful. Kara, Kara my child.
Kara: Where is it Zaltar? Where's the rift? Where is it?
Zaltar: Everywhere! I know where. We don't find the rift. We make it.
Zaltar. No more times. No double talk. I beg you.
Zaltar: Double talk. My life is too short to spend it on double talk. Look, the Phantom Zone. Look!