Does Dan Didio actually read Supergirl?
Dan Didio comments on Supergirl at the Manhatten DC Roadshow:
Supergirl, as she has been written, sometimes comes across as mature and responsible as a 40 year-old adult. She shouldn’t. She’s a teen who is still finding herself and her character should reflect that.
What books has Danny-boy been reading? When has the current Supergirl ever been written like that? Show me the issue. I want to see it. Because I think Didio is just spouting off his own personal dislike of a stereotyped version of the character that doesn’t exist anywhere but in his mind.
I am truly baffled by comments like this from DC execs. They reveal an absolute disconnect from the product they’ve been putting out. Reading the books from time to time seems like something that would be important for an editor-in-chief/co-publisher. The talk of taking Supergirl “back to her core” in the interview with Eddie Berganza and Bob Harras was so gob-smacking because there’s no “core” for the 2011 Supergirl to go back to – just a few years’ worth of character development to roll back. She’s still the character that was introduced in 2004, just not as naive and stereotypically immature. The Jeph Loeb/Joe Kelly interpretation of Supergirl was immensely unpopular and a radical departure from every previous incarnation of the character across all media. Do DC’s top male execs believe that everything from Supergirl 20 onwards was a move away from the character’s “core” because they have such a stereotyped, set in stone vision of what a teenage girl is supposed to be – always and forever?
I wouldn’t be surprised if they really are that stupid. These are men who have created a working environment in which they never have to consider, as a group, women’s experiences, opinions, or wishes. What would they know about a teenage girl? They don’t even consider women and girls worth advertising to.
(And just how long can anyone read about a character who is “still finding herself”? Talk about trying to keep characters locked “in amber” – it sounds like they want their characters to never develop or mature, just keep running through the same plots over and over like in the Silver Age.)