DC Comics Releases Second Reader Survey for New 52
Following the controversial results of their first customer survey to gauge the success of the New 52, DC Comics promised to follow up with future surveys. They have now released a second survey to gauge readership reaction to the New 52.
The survey is open only to USA residents who have purchased New 52 titles and can correctly jump through a few hoops: “Orange Ivy” is a fake title and choosing any option except “Not familiar with it” will get you booted out of the survey. You may also need the listing below of the cancelled titles when the survey asks about those:
The new survey sets its focus on a few new aspects of the New 52: digital comics and dwindling or cancelled titles.
Although the survey begins with a broad overview of titles from the New 52 (including the “Second Wave,” those that were cancelled to make room for the “Second Wave” and a fictional book named “Orange Ivy”), it quickly narrows its scope to 20 books, comprised of the already-cancelled “O.M.A.C.,” “Hawk and Dove,” “Men of War,” “Mister Terrific,” “Blackhawks” and “Static Shock”; the soon-to-be-cancelled “Captain Atom,” “Resurrection Man” and “Voodoo”; and titles with dwindling sales like “Grifter,” “Deathstroke,” “Superboy,” “The Fury of Firestorm,” “Suicide Squad,” “Red Lanterns,” “G.I. Combat,” “Green Arrow,” Blue Beetle,” “Legion of Super Heroes” and “Suicide Squad.”
The survey asks not only whether the reader bought these books, but also whether they had bought comics based on the characters previously, whether they would continue to buy books based on the characters again and the format they’d be likely to buy — print or digital. In fact, much of the survey queries the buying habits of the participant including their monthly consumption of comics, the primary format of purchase (print or digital), whether they purchase the print/digital “combo packs” and how many comic distributors, both physical and online, they visit on a regular basis.
The survey will be available through July 6th.
Newsarama states that “According to DC in a message to retailers, ‘This research is to help you identify the make-up of and opportunities to market to today’s consumers.'”
So, if you’ve bought any of the New 52 titles (and sales suggest you’re less likely to be than 9 months ago), here’s your chance to give DC a piece of your mind. That includes telling them what you do like and is working for you – although you can only tell them how awesome Superman Family Adventures or some of the digital only series are if you’re also reading at least one New 52 title.