Supergirl Director Glen Winter Discusses the Pilot
CBR has a lengthy interview up with Supergirl pilot director Glen Winter. This was Winter’s first pilot, and he goes indepth on the process that took him from director of photography...
CBR has a lengthy interview up with Supergirl pilot director Glen Winter. This was Winter’s first pilot, and he goes indepth on the process that took him from director of photography...
This week Entertainment Weekly released their Comic-Con special issue and inside there is a very in-depth interview with Melissa Benoist. They have posted the entire interview online, which you can read...
TV Guide is releasing an 88-page special edition of their magazine for San Diego Comic-Comic. The issue will feature four different covers from DC Comics properties: Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow and Gotham. The magazine will...
All your frequently asked questions about who, what, when and where are answered here.
We have a date, and it’s a bit earlier than the November launch that had previously been suggested.
Watch this “Behind the Scenes” for the Supergirl pilot, not available on YouTube..