Review: Supergirl #65
This was a super fun issue and a definite “buy it!” Setting Supergirl on a college campus worked better than I expected.
This was a super fun issue and a definite “buy it!” Setting Supergirl on a college campus worked better than I expected.
So many good creators are being left without work in this relaunch.
Supergirl’s got a stunning new costume. I like it…I think?
DC is rebooting its universe and relaunching all titles with new #1 issues in September. They’re also rewriting origin stories, tweaking costumes, and changing up creative teams. Has DC lost their collective mind?
Bizarro Supergirl makes her debut in the July issue of Tiny Titans, "Young Bizarros In Love". Cute!
Kate Beaton reveals Lois Lane’s version of events in the old Superman comics.